Wow! Is it really almost February?
I have quite a few updates, so feel free to take in bite-sized pieces as you can.
In this email you will find a note about apple butter, information about Connect Church – a cohort through the NC Rural Center we were selected for, follow-up about Helene funding, and a message about what we are up to on Sundays.
First, I want to say that I really am missing all of our Florida peeps! I feel like we were just getting to know each other when winter entered the picture and you all left for warmer weather. I think of you often and can’t wait to continue where we left off. Hope you are having some fun in the sun (and snow in some places).
Second, though I tend to stay away from talking about politics (because there are people I love on every side), I am in the business of caring for people, and sometimes the ripple effects of political decisions really affect ministry practices, how we live our lives, and how we engage in loving people well. Therefore, on occasion, attention by religious and congregational leaders is required. There are quite a few changes happening in our country, and while I know some are in agreement and cheering them on, still others are experiencing major anxiety. No matter where you fall on the spectrum of agreement in regard to these changes, I want to invite you to daily prayer. Ask God to lead us to knowledge and action regarding how we can care for one another during this time, how we can care for our community, and how we can care for those on the margins as Jesus did and invites us to do. Though I am not aware of any action being taken by the church at the moment to love others through supporting the executive orders coming out of the White House regarding immigration (please send them my way if you know of any), I have been sent information from the conference about how to consider loving people through gentle resistance. Along this line, the Western North Carolina Conference will be offering a Zoom webinar led by Jeremy McKinney, Attorney and NC Board Certified Specialist in Immigration Law, on Tuesday, February 4 from 7:00 – 8:30pm. This forum is intended to help churches, clergy, and stakeholders in the annual conference have accurate information regarding changes in immigration enforcement. Here is the link to register for that forum: The WNCC has been very outspoken about efforts of resistance, so please take that into consideration when determining if you would like to be part of the conversation. Bright Hope Laurel continues to be a place where all people can grow in grace toward loving God and loving others. My hope as your pastor, is that we stay curious about how we can move on toward perfection as individuals and together as a worshiping community, and how we can move toward unity, as Christ called us to do, even through our differences. Please call me if you would like to process this further.
Speaking of growing in Christ-likeness, we are currently studying the life of Christ in two different ways at Bright Hope Laurel. On Sundays, we are working our way through the book of Luke – following Jesus from birth, through ministry, and as he approaches the cross (hopefully through Lent). In this moment, it is imperative that we know who the historical Christ was, and who Christ is in our lives today. Jesus was and is God on Earth, and shows the way toward perfect love. I hope you will take this opportunity to join us as we find ways we can align our lives with his.
The second opportunity is through Spiritual Support on Wednesdays at 10am. We are currently taking a deep-dive into the book of John. John puts into perspective Jesus’s life in the context of the universe and God’s plan for all of creation. Join us if you are able! This group is one of the most authentic and open groups I have been a part of and we will welcome you in with open arms.
Along with that information, I want to share a couple of bits of news with you:
A Note About Helene Funds
In our January Leadership Council meeting, a team was appointed to disperse the remaining disaster relief funds which were sent from some of you and others across the US. Our community has some of the most giving people who were and are continuing to work extremely hard to make sure people have what they need to weather the cold and rebuild. Since the storm, a ministry in our community, The Upper Laurel Firewood Ministry, has expanded from supporting 20 families to supporting over 80 families. They have been in need of a firewood processor to help expediate the chopping and delivery of wood. We were able to contribute $11k to this need, and the Western North Carolina Conference also contributed with a grant of $15k. It has been a great joy to be able to partner with this ministry in this way, to help keep people warm after losing so much. We are currently looking for other grants to help them reach their funding goal for this machine.
A Note About Apple Butter from Barbara Merrill
Bright Hope Laurel’s September Apple Butter Festival was a huge success. All the hard work and effort enabled us to fulfill our 2024 mission goals. We were able to send over $2500 to each of our three missions: Our BHL Scholarship Fund for yearly awards each May to graduating Madison County seniors headed for college, Hope United Methodist Church, East Flat Rock, NC to help fund their Welcome Table held every week for everyone to share a meal and fellowship with others, and lastly, UMCOR, our United Methodist Committee on Relief, a global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church.
In order to raise these funds we made Apple Butter, the old fashioned way, stirring vats of apple butter over wood fires after cutting a great deal of apples which were turned into apple sauce and then stirred and thickened and canned for sale.
This message to you is because we have jars of Apple Butter still available. If you are still missing your jar of 2024 BHL Apple Butter, let us know and we will set 1 or more askide for you to pick up at the church. They make great gifts for friends and family. Remember our Apple Butter has no artificial flavorings or additives, truly natural!
The sale of the remaining jars will add to our funds we can then send to our mission partners. Remember we do not keep any money raised through our Apple Butter Festival. All sales go to our mission partners. That is our mission!
Connect Church
The North Carolina Rural Center is a nonprofit organization funded through the Duke and Lilly Endowments. Each year, they select 20 congregations to take part in Connect Church – an cohort designed to increase community engagement through coaching, resources, and grant assistance. We are excited to be part of the 2025 cohort!
Last weekend a group of six representatives from BHL and the Laurel Valley community travelled to Durham to take part in the orientation weekend. We were assigned a coach, Rev. Dr. Darren Crotts, who will be working with us over this next year to take a deep dive into the gifts and assets that the congregation and community possess, as well as the ways in which we could possibly partner with our community for abundant life.
Please be in prayer as the team discovers and discerns over this year, and if you would like to be part of these conversations, please let me know!
There is so much life happening in these mountains! I am so grateful to be in partnership with you as your pastor for this moment in time. May God shine his face upon us, be gracious to us, and bring us all peace.
With Hope & Joy,
Pastor Shonnie